Friedl Basson

Questions & Answers

A cup of

Coffee with Friedl




Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Friedl: “I brush my teeth, no compromise there. It is a close contest for second place between making my first cup of coffee and tending to my dog’s needs.”


Q: Is there something even your close friends do not know about you? 
Friedl: “I most certainly think so yes… I am sure there are a couple of things even I do not know about myself! If you know something, please tell me 🙂 ”


Q: If you were a biscuit, which would you be?
Friedl: “Eet-Sum-More. Straight forward, no hidden agendas. Quite hard to soften up, but once you do it will be worth while.”


Q: What is the hardest part of competing at this level?
Friedl: “I guess setting time aside to put in the necessary effort, especially with a new discipline. For me this would be swimming. Participating in extreme events such as Ironman requires extensive training, even in the disciplines your are familiar with.”


Q: Why did you decide to become a DANDO Ambassador?
Friedl: “Getting to do the things we like whilst less fortunate people can benefit from it, is an amazing opportunity. To be part of a group of people with the same passion for giving, sharing the same vision, is an added bonus.”



Home Town» Cape Town
Occupation» Entrepreneur
Age» 39
Motto» Sometimes there is no next time, no timeouts and no second chances. Sometimes it is NOW OR NEVER!

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